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Horizons through reading

The Panorama Library Association is a registered 501(c)(3) corporation, a non-profit charitable organization. All residents are members. Library activities are directed by the Library Board. That Board relies on both bequests and donations to fund the library’s operation and activities.

The Library Board and volunteers endeavor to provide the Panorama community with reading and learning opportunities, a special place to gather and embrace reading and learning, and the most up-to-date library resources available to every Panorama resident.

All the activities of the Association are supported by the Panorama community who give generously through the Association’s once a year annual appeal. 80% of the Library Association’s annual budget is spent directly on library materials and services for use by residents.

Quick Facts


  • 1,028 items were added to the collection at a total cost of $29,463.67.
  • Residents checked out a total of 9969 print books, DVDs, audiobooks, electronic devices, and e-books.
  • 22 volunteers staff the Library for 4 hours each weekday throughout the year. An additional 6 volunteers serve as substitutes when a regular staff volunteer is unable to work an assigned shift.
  • Total current collection size is 4,838 items.